Shellist Music Scholarship


Shellist Music Scholarship at San Diego Mesa College
Shellist Music Scholarship at San Diego Mesa College

Click to contribute to this worthy scholarship.

This endowed fund was created by Lorelei Shellist, family, & friends, in honour of her parents Bernie and Rita Shellist, lifelong professional musicians from the “Big Band” era. 

Shellist Music Endowed Scholarship is for a students whose goals are to become a professional musicians. The ideal candidates will be passionate about music, and have Music Studies as a declared major, or earning a Certificate of Performance in Music Composition, Music Technology or Music Theory.

To be eligible for a scholarship students must:

  • Have a financial need, defined through an essay describing financial need
  • Be enrolled in at least 6 units the Spring Semester when applying for the scholarship
  • Have completed at least 9 units at Mesa, with a GPA of 3.0, and enroll in at least 6 units at Mesa in the following Fall and Spring Semesters
  • To receive the scholarship for Spring Semester, the student must earn at least a 3.0 GPA and have successfully completed 6 units in Fall Semester.
  • Have an education plan in place
  • Provide 2 recommendations from faculty from the Music Program
  • A Mesa Professorial committee and Lorelei Shellist will pick the recipient of the scholarship.

“Don't let your dreams RunAway from you!” 
Lorelei Shellist