Hello My Beauties.
Welcome, we hope you will join us for Skin Deep #2 On The Surface.
Many of you posted and commented on what you learned in our last meet-up. I am happy to hear there were things you were not aware of and that you have begun to take notice of the importance of taking care of your skin and your Self!
Here's a Recap of Lesson #1.
Working from the bottom up. In our first chat on our series of Skin Deep we talked about how to clear what lies under your skin and how sun exposure wreaks havoc from years of unknowing abuse.
1.) Using prescription medical creams to bring up and out those gnarly basal cell carcinomas that are hiding beneath the surface of your skin.
2.) Hydrating & Moisturizing from the inside out drinking high PH Alkaline Water.
3. Using PH hydrating botanical extract toner mists to exfoliate, rebalance, neutralize cleanse & prep the skin.
4.) Moisturize twice a day without fail.
5.) Mixing sunblock into your own foundations to create a palette that matches, your natural skin tone.
Lesson #2 - Join me in our next Zoom meet-up. March 18th.
Our Special Guest will be the beautiful, multi-talented artist, photographer & costume designer, HELEN L. COLLEN.
Helen shares her truth! How years on the road working backstage in theater and rock tours, managing her Rocker husband, Def Leppard Phil Collen’s busy schedule, raising a toddler, staying in shape, photographing rock stars, while exhibiting her photographic works in galleries, leaves her precious little time to love and nurture herself! Still she manages to take care of her skin and her big “S” Self… using remedies that work tiny miracles at a moments notice for skin types for women of color, as well as what works for all of us!
Moving forward I’ll share model-pro tips on what’s under and on the surface of our skin, make-up, and giving your-SELF the time of day. Learn Self Acceptance and how to enhance your beauty - not just cover it up!
Ask questions & get answers. Let’s lovingly uncover, clear and clean our natural faces while discovering healthy ways to keep our skin beautiful at any age.
Bring Style to Your Life!